Well folks I'm a 62 yr old Internal Medicine[and
Geriatrics] doc in pretty good shape who,if you have seen a few of my posts I
just had my da Vinci on 6/9.
It was as a result of a PSA of 4.5[no s/s at all] that lead me to my bx
which demonstarted one out of 12 cores positive. And that was all I needed to
In 33 yrs of medical practice I have seen too much not to be done with
it once and for all and deal with the other issues we know so well which are
relatively low on the scheme of things as we age.
Is this the right approaqch for all---no
But this is a very personnel disease with many twists and turns in the path
to descion making that from my mind-set and clinical experience with so many
prostae patients over the years was the only one that made sense to me.
Now somebody younger without the same expereince base can honestly look at
recent ,somewhat conflicting data and reach a different opinion.
Now give him the hypoyhertical of having the disease--and maybe--just
maybe--his view might change