My surgery was done on October 3rd. The cancer was located in the apex, and labeled "aggressive", so the prostate was removed with wide margins, and 3 lymph nodes were removed as well.
I awoke to the joys of a catheter hanging from me. The first day was the worst, but I quickly realized that the big bag was my friend, and only used the leg bag on a couple of occasions. As you all know, we get a little gassy after the surgery. It was kind of interesting hearing the gas seemingly go from my right shoulder, down to the belly, back up to the left shoulder, and back before settling down.
My catheter came out 2 days ago, and my reports was very positive that they got all of the cancer. My Gleason grade was 3+4, with tiny foci of 5. All gone ...very good news!
Now onto the challenge of overcoming the incontinence.
Thanks again for all of the great advice!