I tried everything including MUSE before I agreed to inject. MUSE was like sticking a hot poker up my penis and keeping it there for 45 minutes for a limp erection. If you investigate MUSE a lot of sites do not recommend it for prostatectomy patients because the burning is from the scaring inside the urethra from surgery. Muse is also expensive and can cost as much as $50 a dose without insurance coverage. EDEX from what I know is also very expensive and costs about
$30 per injection.
ADC doesn't offer any thing other than the generic ED drugs. Trimix is only available from compounding pharmacies as it has to be mixed at the location and kept frozen or refrigerated. Most cities only have 1 or 2 of these type of pharmacies. I pay locally $60 for a 5ml vial that lasts me for 2 months. My insurance will not cover the cost but $60 is manageable for me.
Good luck and looking forward to you joining the "Brotherhood of Pricking the Prick"