A couple of months ago, I had an episode of gross hematuria that took me by surprise. I was 13 months post surgery and was surprised when I got off the toilet to find blood all over the porcelain where the urine stream had run down the bowl, and drops of bright red blood still on the tip of my penis.
I had an ultrasound of the kidneys and the bladder and also a cystoscopy, all of which found nothing, and I was given a clean bill of health. We don't know what caused the incident, which has not happened again in the nearly two months since. Maybe it was a small kidney stone.
I was expecting the worst and had convinced myself that I had bladder cancer or kidney cancer, but I'm happy to say I was wrong about that.
I share this story with you in the hope that you, too, will be given a clean bill of health after the cysto. Hematuria doesn't necessarily mean cancer. Please let us know what, if anything, they find. Good luck.