First of all welcome to our group and so sorry you might have to be here. I am not a doctor nor an expert but I am not sure where you got you information about
the prostate biopsy. The procedure is done with needles that penetrate the colon wall and collect tissue samples from the various parts of the prostate. The colon wall is not slit
open and all you will have are 12 or so needle penetrations of the prostate done with a needle through the colon wall. It is done under a topical anaesthetic and quit painless and takes about
15 minutes to complete. In about
2% of the cases an infection from the colon can result. I was one of those 2% but I got over it with a mega dose of IV antibiotics. There is no logical way to take tissue samples through the Urethra going through the organ and even if it could be done the penetration of the urethra could be just as harmful and left
open to infection. The needle biopsy is one of the best and easiest ways to diagnose PC. Even most scans and MRIs that can be done of the prostate are not reliable is finding smaller tumors that only the needle biopsy can find. BTW most of us in this group have very little faith in the reliability of US Task Force on Medical Testings findings and reports.
Good luck and I would not sweat the biopsy.
The Water Guy