Steve......Androgel is a pretty standard, first pass, T protocol..........Testim is the other you usually see. I could have done that (my uro's first choice) but went with bio-identical, compunded cream at first. I quickly discovered that I convert transdermal T to estrogen, which is the opposite effect of what you want. But a lot of guys do that because of the aromatase enzyme we all manufacture. Keep a close tab on your labs, as well as the way you feel. Hopefully you'll be one of the fortunate ones that has success right out of the chute. But sometimes it takes more tweaking and different delivery system attempts before you dial it in. Don't get dicouraged if it doesn't work like clockwork right off the bat--------keep at it, and feel free to ask me anything about
the process-------I'm still researching and learning!
Arnie in DE
P.S.-since I didn't go the gel route, I'm unfamiliar with the strength and dosage of Androgel. But do some googling, and you'll get more than you bargained for