bogerman50 said...
I noticed a big inprovement in the last few days when i started execise and walking.This may not be advised but it seem to be working for me.
I don't know who would
not be advising walking. Other than the first two weeks after surgery (when it was much less, and about
all I could manage), I've been doing 3-6 miles of walking daily since two months before surgery. I leak more when walking, but I was discharged from the hospital with orders to walk at least 3 times per day. That was a total bear (and sloooow) with the catheter in, much better with the catheter out, and while I'm frustrated as heck that progress turned into regress at 6 weeks or so, (now 8-1/2 weeks) I might be back to where I was at the end of week 5 or so again, which is basically 1 pad per day. And I suppose part of getting worse at week six was likely the removal of my "don't pick up more than 15 lbs" restriction at the same point in time.
Part of it is also that I seem to have more trouble getting "empty" (since I did not have BPH, this is new territory for me.) Stream starts out good and strong, but when I think I'm done, I'm not. Repeatedly. Can't really be too much volume, but it sure is frustrating.