Terrified daughter
I am very glad you found our little corner of the world here. Great place it is with brothers and sisters (wives, daughters, daughter in law) all who are fighting this prostate cancer.
My suggestions;
1. Do NOT goggle anything until you have some idea what is what. Come here and ask questions first. There is so much stuff out on the internet that is either wrong or out of date.
2. Sure get the books. But remember they are probably out of date and other books will contradict them
3. Be calm - Right yeah I know. Scary stuff. There is a lot of information your Dad needs to get first before he decides on any treatment plan. Other than gathering the information (scans, x-rays, oncologist, urologist) there is nothing he has to do right away. Once he has all the information than he can start deciding on treatment plan.
4. The medical community has a full arsenal of drugs and other treatments - with more coming down the pipe line.
5. When your Dad does go to the Doc's.
He will want someone with him - preferably someone who can remain calm. Someone suggested audio taping the doctors conversation, that can be very helpful if the Doc agrees.
Have your Dad write out all his questions before he goes to the Doctors appt - than hand a copy of the written questions to the Doc and go over them one by one.
6. What should and should not be said. See if you can get him to come here himself. Be positive - there are treatments available. Do not use the "If you have to get some cancer, prostate cancer is the one to get because blah blah blah" - Yup I've heard that one. Your Dad is probably scared - let him decide what he wants to share with everyone - somehow let him know you are
open to him sharing.
7. Your Mom will also need help - would be good is she came here. Our sisters are amazing people.
8. You will need support - We are all here for you.
9. Prostate Cancer: The Really Useful List made by HW people for HW people.
(Made link clickable - 142)
Post Edited By Moderator (142) : 1/15/2012 1:33:53 PM (GMT-7)