I joined this fine support group, not by choice, but by need, this past January. I was overwhelmed in December when I found out, just before Christmas, about the diagnosis; sleepless nights followed, although I had an amazing support from my family and friends. I did not know anything about it, and, as I watched my father fading away in 5 months after being diagnosed with multiple myeloma, I thought about the end as well…
But I learned a lot, by asking questions via this support group, going to a local support group, reading a few books and talking to a few doctors. I have not made a decision yet either, although active surveillance (AS) was suggested to me (my last question to the doctor I've seen for CyberKnife was "What would you do if you were in my situation" and has said "wait"). Unfortunately, I think that my mind will not easily settle, if I were to follow the AS path for a long time, but I may give it a try; the good thing is that we do not need to rush. As the nointrusive means to detect the spread of cancer or its aggressiveness are not perfected yet , the "crude" biopsy is not always accurate either. Living with this uncertainty (and not favoring repeat biopsies), perhaps I will think twice about what a doctor said - "why treat: 1) possible more aggressive cells; 2) never more curable "
After looking at my goals (understand the severity of my cancer, cure it, avoid incontinence and minimize all other side effects), I am more inclined toward brachytherapy.
My heartfelt best wishes in choosing the treatment that will fit you better.