I can only tell you my adventure,I'm not sure if your hubby has the same ,but I would start with the uro,I was given a MRI,BONE ,SCAN,three Ultrasounds before it was determined and comfirmed it was a inguinal hernia,I spent 18 days in 9 or 10 level pain,and they kept sending me home. I finaly went to an ER and got checked into the hospital,they told me it was my back,and it took a week in the hosptal before getting the right surgen to listen and review the ultra sound again,he agreed to fix the hernia and leave my back alone,they gave me three epedurals and it still didn't help.It turned out some tissue had wrapped itself around the sperm cord pulling on the nerves in the inguinal canal,it may or maynot have been from the RALP,no one will ever know.The pain hurt on the right side deep in the crevice,it hurt to raise my foot one inch off the ground.I actualy had a Dr from outside the hosptal who did the surgery,the hospital was ready to send me home again right before surgery because I kinda went on my own,refused back treatments.The surgery was successfull and the pain was gone when I WOKE UP.My advice is get to the bottom of the pain ,don't put off going to ER at least I got the tests whithout waiting weeks before each test.Don't beat up your hubby,you don't know for sure yet,if it was work or not,sometimes they happen,no fault of anyone,just move on ,be positive!
God bless