Just got off the phone with my Oncologist. He looked over the scans after they had been read. A suspicious spot has shown up at L3 & L4 on my lower spine, he said it was big enough to cause bulging. He said it was right above what we commonly call our "tailbone". Definitely said it was the cause of most of all of my new back pain (just the past 2-3 months). He is sending out the scans, for a second reading and second opinion. Based on that opinion, he said that a more advanced type of test (unspecified) will be ordered to take still another look. Jury is still out, but might be first evidence of mets taking place. This spot was clearly not in the MRI scans that were done late last July.
He is putting me on a new script med, Gabapentin. Used a lot with epilepsy, but also used with severe chronic nerve damage like I have. It won't replace the pain meds, but used in conjunction. Some potential severe side effects, so we are going to start slowly with it, only at night, as it can cause drowiness (anything else to help me sleep better is a plus, as even on all the meds I am on, lucky to get 4-5 hours sleep a night). If I tolerate it well, will increase it to 3 times a day, and see if it will supplement the pain meds, and work on a different side of the pain problem.
Also, he's contacting my urologist, to see if we can move my June or July (can't remember) appointment with him, to get him to order a Virtual Bladder test. He said again, with 72 gys of radiation hitting an unprotected empty bladder, I was at extreme risk for bladder cancer, and since my bladder is sealed off (both entering and exiting), I would never see the normal symptons of bleeding, etc. In the past 3-4 months, the number of bladder spasms has increased greatly, and they are getting seriously painful again, instead of just being annoying. It could be a sign of problem, since my bladder is non-functional.
He said that he would personally call me every week for the next 3-4 weeks, to see how I am doing.
Expecting pretty quick followup on what the scan detected.
David in SC