I never had a previous PSA test so cant tell a base line,and no family memebers have had a PC. I know 5.3 is high, the complications with biopsy im more worried about
is not only the problems bleeding and infections, but if it harms the cells in the prostate and to cancel out any other systems before had. Ill ask if a 6 week period and see if Cipro (Ciprofloxacin)would help.
The URO ask if I had any questions but it was a matter of days since the doc referred me to him, and didnt do any research about
my problem .. so glad I fount this place, now I have whole list of questions to ask. URO said the biopsy is easy enough process and I wont feel anything, but I only want to take it when further checks have been done and cancelled out hormone or even being Diabetic... the Doc even said her self that PAS level can go up from riding a bike or having sex, so surly more blood test have to be done over a suitable time, aswell the Free PSA reading... thanks for your input guys
Post Edited (Mr_G) : 7/10/2012 9:38:25 AM (GMT-6)