I have not entered this website for a while and I've missed the great information that I have gotten in the past. Now, I again need some help.
I was diagnosed with PC about
a year ago (PSA=2.3, PSAV=1.0 over 13 months, 7/15 cores positive, five cores with 40% to 80% cancer). Robotic surgery at NIH revealed a large tumor (30% of prostate) with a Gleason 3+4=7 and ECE (Gleason grade 4 on edge). This tumor clearly was trouble! A very unusual disease.
Combidex MRI scan (9/2009) showed small lesions (<2mm) in two pelvic lymph nodes and TRUS color doppler show neo-vascular growth in prostatic bed, bone scan 7/2009 was negative.
Dr. Myers started me on ADT3 (8/2009); casodex was changed to ketoconazole with hydrocortizone 11/2009.
42 sessions of IMRT to entire pelvic area at Dattoli Cancer Center (72 Gy) 11/2009 to 1/2010
Still on ADT3 (with Ketoconazole and hydrocortizon instead of casodex); should complete year on ADT3 by 9/2010
Dr. Myers wants me to start on Leukine ASAP, but health insurance won't pay. I need to decide whether to pay out of pocket or wait for health insurance appeal (or company subsidy). Any suggestions?
Monthly lab tests show PSA is still non-detect (<0.01 ng), but PAP has been slowly rising over the last 8 months (from 0.8 to 1.4); bone-specific alk. phos. has been stable, will start liver specific alk. phos. this week.
Dr. Myers concludes that my disease is very aggressive; dominated by stem cells generating rapidly proliferating PSA-negative population. Besides the ADT3 and resveratrol, curcumin, Vit D-3. etc., is there any therapeutic approach that might be effective.
I had considered entering a clinical trial with Designer Killer T cells targeting PSMA, but Dr. Myer says my tumor does not express PSMA so this trial is worthless. I trust Snuffy, but I still do not understand how he has arrived at this conclusion about
my disease.
I also would like to get an opinion from another medical oncologist about
my most unusual disease.
Any suggestions who I might contact.
Dan R.