There is another option, there is a new scan out there than has the ability to find cancer in the lymph system. It's called a Feraheme scan, at this point there are only 2 Drs. who are capable of referring you for the scan, they are Dr. Meyers and Dr. Dattoli. The scan itself is done in Orlando Florida and it is expensive. Basically this scan can light up your lymph system better than anything else out there at this point. It probably will be able to pin point where your cancer is and instead of the SRT shooting blindly it would be able to spot radiate the specific area(s).
I just returned from having the scan done and am awaiting the results, I had to pay for the fareheme contrast myself to the tune of $1500 but everything else was covered under my insurance. Most everyone who has looked into having this scan done seems to be very excited about its ability, there are a few others on this board who have had it done and they might chime in with their opinions.
The guy in front of me when I was waiting for the scan was from Cincinatti and the guy behind was from San Antonio with another guy in the waiting room from Hong Kong so you can see guys have heard of and are traveling great distances(I'm from the Seattle area) to have this procedure.
The reason no one else is doing this right now is this scan is considered "off label", its not FDA appproved for prostate cancer at this time but I believe that will change in the near future. The Drs told me they will be releasing a paper on the results this November that will blow peoples socks off. They have run over 700 guys through the scan at this point and believe they have enough solid evidence to bring it mainstream.
Google "Feraheme" if you wnat more information, also "USPIO" will give you added reading.
Good luck