A DRE should never be done before a psa draw. Any activity that affects the prostate, sex, bike riding and DREs should be avoided for 48 hours prior to a psa test. Use the same lab and have the psa drawn at the same time of day each time. Also there are seasonal variations to psa as it rises and falls naturally depending on the season of the year.
1,000,000 biopsies are given each year and 750,000 of them are negative, so it is clear that many doctors are clueless about the relationship of psa and prostate cancer, and most of these unnessary biopsies can be eliminated by first eliminating the benign causes of psa. A free psa test and a PCA3 test should always be given and and estimate of the prostate size to calculate psa density should also be used to eliminate psa rise due to BPH.
Take another psa test along with a free psa and a PCA3 before you get a biopsy.