Excellent - you made my day !!! You can trust Katz to give you the straight skinny. And shoot at him with as many questions as you can come up with.
Here is the general treatment protocol :
1.) 3-5 very small non-radioactive gold fiducials are placed in your prostate. These are placed either by a
urologist transrectally ( just like a biopsy, but in reverse) or by a R.O. through the perinium ( Dr. Katz does it this way ).
2.) After a week or so, a CTScan is done ( with a foley
catheter inserted) and a MRI ( with or without the foley - depends on the specific Center). From this data, they can define the capsule of the prostate & so can the CK machine during treatment with it's two built-in Xray machines. It keeps track of the
locations of the fiducials and from that, the program knows where the prostate capsule is located. The XRay machine
checks the fiducials about
every 20-30 seconds.
Please let us know about your consult with Dr. Katz. Thanks.
3. ) Then the Radiation Physicist go to work to develop the "Plan" , which is the computer program that controls the robotic arm the linear accelerator (LINAC) is mounted on, as well as the beams and IRIS collimator ( if used). Dr. Katz strongly believe the IRIS produces better results with less side effects.
4.) Each of the 5 high dose treatments last about 45-60 minutes each. They are given once a day or maybe every other day, depending on the Center, with a break over the weekend. It's important to stay as motionless as possible to prevent "resets" which will result in the machine stopping and re-positioning itself due to prostate movement. I had my R.O. prescribe Valium that I took one hour before each treatment. Some patients listen to music during the treatment. Some others claim they snooze.
That's it. For myself, I had treatments every other day and the only complication I had was a slight burning when urinating the afternoon after each treatment I had at 8:00 am each morning. The day after treatment, I was back to normal. This continued after each treatment. I had some burning during urination for about 10 days after I completed the 5 treatments, but I didn't need any meds to handle it.
I was a bit fatigued after exerting myself for about a 3 weeks after treatment, but I learned that if I sat down for 15 minutes and drank some water, I was then fine. That has been the extent of my "complications".
Please let us know how your consult goes. Thanks.