Took nerve bundle, so permanent ED. Too old to deal with Trimix. Decided sooner or later every thing ends. Just a little sooner in this case. Cancer back 18 months out of surgery, finished radiation, big PSA test coming up soon. Odds against good news.
Rest of my life, I am still me. I still walk, hike, work on my grounds and gardens, love hockey (ouch!!!), travel a lot with my wife (will spend most of Feb and March in Italy and Germany), love the performing arts, read and read, no belief in any after existence beyond this world. Still me, neither more or less cynical or joyous than I ever was, always knew this life is very finite and time limited, do not believe that at this stage any philosphers, guru, or tv talk show host knows more about life and living than I do.
Newspaper Lover
Age 68
DaVinci surgery 11/09. Clean margins, clean seminal vessels.
Rising PSA noted 06/11
Gleason 8
Time to recurrrence 18 months
Three month doubling time (summer 2011).
PSA rose from .07 on 06/11 to .17 on 11/11.
MRIs and bone scans negative so far.
Started hormone therapy (Lupron/Casodex) 12/11
Began radiation (SRT) 02/20/12.
Finished SRT 04/16/12
Last Lupron shot 03/12
PSA and testostorone "undetectable" 07/12
Next PSA and testostorone test early January