After delaying my biopsy for the last 9 months in the belief that my urinary problems were BPH related (55.9cc's)
I finally took the biopsy route with the prodding of my Uro. Prior to that, I decided to have a MRI done (Tesla 3.0)
in the mistaken belief that if imaging was clear, I wouldn't have pc., on T2 imaging however, there is a suspicious area 2.4 cm. in size at the midgland level. Normal T1 image, normal multiphasic gadolinium enhanced sequences, remainder of the prostate demonstrates normal signal, diffusion & enhancement, surrounding soft tissues are normal, normal bone marrow signal, capsule is intact here
My pathology came back as: (My psa 1 month ago was 5.09)
Prostate Core Needle Biopsy x 10:
- Tumor type : convention microacinar
- Gleason score : 3 + 3 = 6/10
- Tumor involves : Right Mid Lateral (less than 1mm)
Right Base Lateral (less than 1mm)
- No evidence of extraprostatic tumor spread
The report also has all sorts of other information but no T1a or ? staging.
My Uro advised me to go Active Surveillence as the samples are infinitesmal in size and Gl 6
which may also be a good candidate for Brachytherapy.
Could anyone suggest whether these are suitable options or if there if are any others I might consider in relation to my low risk catagory, my GP thinks that RP is overkill.
I'm very thankful for all the information on this forum by very knowledgeable people that I was not stressed upon receiving my positive pathology report, I was told to expect the worse and hope full the best, good advice.
So now the journey begins.
Thanks, Terry