this sounds so much like my situation! 42 treatments IMRT, 2.5 years ago, five months ago all the problems started, burning and blood in urine, bladder spasems, they thought kidney stones which it was not, on a cystiscope the found tumors and a badly damaged bladder and everything tied to it. After surgery and months of pain they have me in hyperbaric chamber for 80 hours, 2 hours per day. My thought is careless tecs giving the radiation as with the new systems they are suposed to hit the mark withing millimeters. Again I would never chose that route. Stats were G7 stage 2. One hyberbaric chamber treatment left tomarrow and they will doanother cystiscope to see how it has healed. Had ED but Viagra worked well, now after hyperbaric no ED or burning when unrinating or ejaculating. Only side effect now is must usinate every 1/2 hour and am on Vesicare which pretty much takes care of it. They will do a cystascope on you and see what he inside of your bladder is like and take a sample to see if cancer, mine ws not cancer in the tumor they removed. The systascope sounds worse than it is not bad at all. Hang in there we will pray for you!