Tall Allen said...
As for relatively safe supplemental medications that may help, Metformin looks good so far. Statins - probably not. Aspirin possibly. Celebrex got trampled in the STAMPEDE trial when used with ADT. It still amazes me how many of these supplements and medications look good in lab and retrospective studies, but fail to show a benefit when they are rigorously tested.
Allen, on the other hand, the randomized control trial used for a good reason in our Western evidence-based medicine, may have a limitation in one thing: individual characteristics (genetic make-up and protein expression) of a patient. So, for example, Celebrex may work for a patient with Cox-2 receptor. If a randomized control trial for Celebrex happened to include 80% of PC patients without a Cox-2 receptor, it is no wonder that it failed to show the benefit. Same thing comes to mind when Avastin showed no beenfit for PC, yet none of the patients were tested for VEGF receptor. Perhaps, a more accurate design of a trial would have been to test all patients for Cox-2 receptor, include only the patients who had it, and then draw conclusions about
the efficacy of Celebrex in PC.