Good news for once!
My PSA test today (basically, a test at end-of-primary-radiation) came back as "undetectable", <0.10! It's a "zero"!!
The last reading before treatment in May was 9.67, so this is a really good drop.
This was the best case outcome I was hoping for. That says the Lupron and Casodex have completely squashed the PSA, even with my radiation-angered prostate doing whatever it does.
I saw some study suggesting best success rates if the end-of-radiation value is <0.5, so I'm there. This is just such happy news...
We'll probably just continue the ADT2, rather than remove the Casodex to see if PSA goes back up. Don't want it to go back up. So, leave well enough alone, I'm thinking.
It's great to actually hear something encouraging from my medical oncologist. :)
Drinks for the house!