Please "Slow Down"! You have time to make a decision without being "paralyzed by analysis". When you meet with your RO tomorrow, ask him if starting casodex to prevent "flares" and then lupron a few weeks later would adversely affect any treatment you decided on later; ie., surgery or a form of radiation. If not, then get started..You have time to make a decision later. As a minimum, a short course of hormones will improve hubby's chances..The RO can explain and agree or disagree.
You have received excellent advice here although some of it conflicts. We are not medical professionals and tend to espouse the treatment that has worked for us so far. Am I logical? Maybe not..With hubby's high tumor load and possibility of sv invasion some form of radiation is in his future..If I understand correctly, if hubby opts for surgery and PC is outside the prostate the surgeon would abort removing the prostate, sew him up and recommend radiation. If it were me and I woke up with my prostate still in place I would be "pissed"..Why not "do it right the first time" with radiation?? Just my uneducated opinion. Check on Tony's trial suggestion when you have time later. Don't give up hope; your husband may still be cure able!