(I made a long response to "robot"s posting this morning. It may interest those who have positive margins.)
These guidelines prompted me to discuss this issue with my surgeon/uro last follow-up. He said he was at the conference where it was presented, and there was a lot of "bickering" (my word, not his). He said he strongly disagreed with the recommendations.
However, I laid out all my concerns: fast rising PSA pre-surgery, unusual MRI pre-surgery, positive margin at surgery, and the AUA/ASTRO report. He did agree to help me get a second path opinion -- if nothing else, to help me sleep better. I requested it be done at JH. It came back unchanged from the original path, except provided these additional tidbits not in original path report: PM length 3mm, Gleason at the PM was 3 + 3 = 6, and it appeared to be intraprostatic.
So, I am going to stand pat for now, hoping there wasn't any of my Gleason 4 ( I was 3 + 4 = 7 overall) at the margin that Epstein missed. If Epstein is right, I will probably be ok long enough to die of something besides PCa or maybe never recur. If he missed something, I am hoping my regular self-pay ultrasensitive tests will expose it before it goes too far (my surgeon uro only wants me to have standard psa tests, so I order my own ultrasensitive occasionally "on the side"). If recurrence, then I'll hope it's still in prostate bed and 70g will get it.
If somehow it had already, or in future, escaped prostate area, then not sure what I will do. But that's for another day. ("All in due time, my pretty" from Wiz of Oz).