I've been watching and reading the forum from the back row for a while now. Figured it was a bought time to get my story out there.
I have a family history of Prostate cancer, including two brothers and my father. So have been seeing a Urologist Since 2006, getting my PSA checked every six months, it always fluctuated in the high two's to low three's. I had a BX in 2008 that was negative.
Unfortunately at the begging of this year my Psa rose to a 4ish (I don't remember specific numbers) then in june My PSA broke into the 5's. Winner, Winner, time for another BX.
Results came back positive in one of twelve cores. The one core was thirteen percent contaminated.
Gleason score is 3+3=6 and tc1 located in the upper left base.
So, fast forward to today. I completed my 11th of 45 treatments. so far as many of you have reported the treatments have been very uneventful.
I have on two separate occasions woke up in the middle of the night with a dull pain in area of my rectum and also have a slight discomfort that i would compare to an internal hemorrhoid, hope that does not get much worse.
I also had the Calypso Beakins installed in prostate, I've not heard these mentioned on the forum.
So I am just counting down the days and hoping for minimum side effects.