Posted 12/16/2013 12:56 PM (GMT 0)
Friends, Wanted to bring you up to speed on some developments since my last post here:
Everything was going great. No lingering pain from the surgery, energy level quite good, no sign of post prostate removal depression, etc. My urinary control was near the 99% mark with only a few dribbles after relieving myself. The only issues I was experiencing was urethral burning upon urination and reduced urine flow rate.
Burning: I have searched and read threads on this site where folks had slight burning during urination to 3 to 4 weeks following catheter removal. As I had no fever, cloudy urine, etc, etc, I decided to just continue to give it time to heal and talk to surgeon about it at first 5-week postop followup.
Reduced flow: First day with cath out I was at about 20% my normal pre-op flow rate. I was worried and posted my situation to the board (link above). My flow continued to improve a little each day and by yesterday (10 days post cath removal), I had reached what I estimate to be about 50 to 60% my normal pre-op flow rate.
Well, yesterday evening, after dinner, the nightmare happened. I went in to use the bathroom and nothing came out. Thought to myself that I must not be quite ready yet, so I decided to wait. Kind of knew in the back of my mind that something was wrong. I waited about 10 min and tried again…no luck. Went out to my wife and told her to prepare for an ER visit. I wasn’t hurting at this point, I just knew that I had to go but couldn’t. I tried to go a couple more times before I made the final decision to hit the ER for a new catheter.
The catheter burned like hell going in. Excruciatingly painful for me but no real resistance according to the nurse. However, the bladder relief once inserted was worth every penny of insertion pain paid.
Now I am just worried that I have a stricture or scar tissue buildup that will require some other procedure to rectify. I have read some other posts where folks were even catheterized up to 4 times during ER visits to relieve the bladder, and eventually were ok without dilation or stricture cutting…guess the culprit was simply a bladder spasm, spontaneous sphincter lockup, or simple swelling controlled with Ibuprofen.
Now, what I am about to tell you will certainly earn me some criticism, and the tendency will be to blame the whole issue on this, however, for the sake of sharing and helping others make better decisions, I submit the following: Yesterday afternoon, a few hours before the urinary stoppage problem, I decided to take my daughters bowling. Yes, bowling. I am not a regular bowler by any means, but it seemed like a good idea at the time. I was feeling great and it never even entered my mind that I shouldn’t engage in tossing a 16 pound ball down a lane, 20 times a game for two games, and so I began to play. It struck me about half way through, that perhaps this is an example of the exercise, or lifting over 5 pounds, that I am not supposed to do for 5 or 6 weeks…and I thought I was getting away with it.
Advice – lay low for the 5 or 6 weeks despite how good you feel. Get your walks in, but don’t go bowling.