pmikey (and others),
The decision is a tough one. In our case Jim went intermittent to let the PSA rise enough to get a C11 acetate scan which could possibly pick up any local cancer that could be cleaned up with RT. The Scan found nothing which is good but also meant micromets are most likely causing the PSA to rise.
With the rising PSA we did qualify for one of the VERY Few clinical trials for hormone sensitive men. “Phase II of Enzalutamide alone or in combination with PSA-TRICOM (aka Prostvac) in patients with Non-Metastatic Castration Sensitive PC”. Here is the link to our HW post far we have been quite happy with the lack of SE's from the Xtandi and quite luck to land in the vaccine arm. Yes, it's quite a time commitment to travel to NIH, but we're hoping that early immunotherapy and the possibility of delaying hormone resistance is worth it!
Just another tool in the box that will hopefully finally do us all some good.
Marie and Jim