jacknsan said...
Shiny, I could be wrong, but my brachytherapist, who has done thousands of HDR procedures said he does prostates of all sizes. You may want to look into it as it is much less invasive than surgery. IMRT is even less invasive that BT.
However, if I were you, with a GL6, I would stay on AS. The Proscar should eventually shrink the size of the prostate in the event you wanted treatment down the road if your PSA climbed too quickly. Avodart, I believe, is even more effective. You may want to look at Dr. Snuffy Myers work. He has had patients with GL6 on AS taking Avodart along with a good diet, and, a year or so later, they can find no cancer.
It sure beats the stress of surgery and the possibility of having to spend the rest of your golden years in diapers. In any case, you should discuss it further with your doctor.
Shiny, all very good points there! When I was trying to make my decision, I talked with the Brachy/EBR guys in Atlanta. I had a large prostate- 87 gms- and they indicated before they could do the Brachy they would give me enough hormones to shrink it down 1st.
I would really look into all of that if I was you, with that Gleason 6.