Hello Dan .......
I am from the Chicago NW suburbs and have had some experience with three different oncologists - for prostate cancer. I'm also familiar with the article from "Chicago" magazine - and had wondered when reading it months ago, why some of the local doctors were not included. Another story - for maybe another time!!!
My first treatments (before metastisis) was with the Chicago Prostate Cancer Center in Wesmont and with NW Community Hospital in Arlington Hts.! Since it was just over 10-years ago, the treatments were with radiation and then with a brachytherapy. See signature below!
The PC returned and metastisized about 3-1/2 years ago. I did change Urologists twice during that timeframe - but, I have been with the same Oncologist for 3+years now. Again, see the signature below for treatments and timeframes.
I would recommend Northwest Oncology and Hematology. They have three locations with the two major locations being in Rolling Meadows just off I-90 and in Elk Grove - adjacent to Alexian Bros. Hospital. My Oncologist has been Bruce Bank.
I also went to another group of Cancer Doctors just off I-88 for a second opinion ... namely for Provenge when I was considering that as a treatment.
Please get an oncologist involved very soon. As you can see, by my signature, I have been on Lupron for about three years and a total of 4-types of chemos/HT for 2+ years along with prednisone.
I will be starting with a mentor from Imerman Angels this afternoon - and he is from Libertyville - so he may have more suggestions for doctors in the greater Chicago area.
Rob & Gizmo