Canuck, it does sound like we are in very similar situations. Even your path stats are very close to mine. And Worried Guy also inspired me a year-and-a-half ago to get a kitchen scale to start weighing my pads, logging my leakage and charting my daily progress (or lack of). I didn't go as far as he did (measuring the pressure of my stream) but I'm not blessed with a engineering mind like he has.
My urologist also left the decision up to me as whether to get a sling or an AUS. He just tried to give me all the facts about
each so that I could make a sound decision. He also encouraged me to get more information in other places and from men who've had either device implanted in them. If I choose the AUS, he told me it would be the AMS 800. So we both seem to be following the same path, except you're a bit further along than I am. I'm still collecting information.
We may be dissimilar only in that your urologist could see your bladder sphincter wasn't closing completely. My uro told me that my sphincter was working normally. But, as Worried Guy noted, a 90-micron
opening is pretty hard to see.
I don't really have any recent leakage data because wearing a Cunningham clamp really distorts the data. I stopped wearing the clamp today for the next few days to see if I'm still leaking like I did 6 months ago. So far, it feels the same as it used to; so I think I'm going to get the same results as I did last fall. Just checking everything before I make my decision and schedule the procedure with my uro.
Good luck on your AUS surgery! I hope everything goes smoothly, the pain is both manageable and short-term; and that you're happy with the results. And I hope you'll post your progress here as Big Mac (Bill in Miami) has done. That really helps us guys who are coming along behind you!