Caspar -
First, no need to apologize at all for posting about
the way you are feeling or for your concern about
bothering us or "wearing out your welcome" here. Just remember that there is probably no better audience in the world than right here for listening to you talk about
this or for understanding how this is affecting you.
The kind of day you are having just "goes with the territory" when one is facing this beast, but, believe me, it always passes, and it's really true that tomorrow is another, likely better, day.
Things can be done to help. You didn't indicate this in your post, but do you have a wife and/or children who can help? Sometimes just having someone like that to talk to can be a huge help.
Something else. I assume from references in your post that you live in the UK, where there are many support facilities for men with PCa. Have you considered attending a PCa support group that may be located in your area? Just for the heck of it, I googled "prostate cancer support groups uk" (without quotes) and got a number of hits, including
locations and addresses. This one, and I'm citing it only as an example, looked helpful: do think about
looking into attending such a group. I noted in your post that you did not seem keen on this kind of help, but please do think about
it. You would find people there who can relate completely to what you are experiencing, and have experienced it themselves, and who may well provide you just the kind of support that could make a big difference in your life.
And then there are always PCa forums (personally I have always felt this one is the best) which are always just a keyboard away, 24/7. We are here for you.
Whatever you may find that helps you, good luck with it, and do check in with us anytime with an update or just to talk.