Wow - I wish I got that much help!!
First, just put that big bag on the floor of the shower. If something were to drop on the tube connected to the catheter, he is going to scream. I did it ONCE, dropped the wash cloth and my wife ran up the stairs faster than I ever could. (She must have skipped two steps at a time!) Bob will never forget that.
Second - get him to empty his own bags. Bob - brother - get up and take care of this yourself. Miki can teach you how to do it and then - it is up to you. Changing bags is nothing brother. They teach 18 year old volunteers in hospitals to do this. Wash your hands, hold the catheter tube (not the one going to the balloon) so it does not leak, disconnect one and connect the other, put the old bag away, wash your hands. That's all there is to it. Use the leg bad as it allows you to move around easier and will help your 6 year old understand things better. you do want that right?
Miki - I am in Southern California so the cold is nothing that I deal with - even though I live on the side of a mountain. What I suggest you do for that LONG ride to the doctors is to get a pair of very loose workout pants and slit them down the side. If you sew well, put Velcro down that slit to close it. Bob can route the tube out that slit, the Velcro will hold the tube still and he will be more comfortable. A long jacket will keep him warm during the walk to and from the car. Do NOT run the tube up higher than his bladder. Keep things at the same level as where it exits his body. (I think you know what I am saying.) Take some "real" clothes with you to the appointment to remove the catheter as well as some pads. (yea - more than one pad - you have a long drive!) That way Bob can again feel more like a person after the catheter is gone. It feels so good to have real clothes on without any tubes hanging out of you. Trust me, Bob hates the catheter MUCH more than you do.
Wow - he gets warm towels after a shower! I will have to tell my wife about
Hang in there...