Well brothers received my 5 year PSA result today 0.05 what a 5 years it has been.
How a few minutes can change your life I walked into my urologists office just over
5 years ago to get my biopsy results as my PSA my local doctor had ordered came back
high at 9. I had the biopsy was not a bit worried about
getting the results I had no family
history no symptoms felt great and anyway cancer happens to other not me doesn't it.?
Sat down in he comes looks at me reads from his notes I'm sorry but your biopsy results
have come back positive for prostate CANCER that was it cannot remember much else went
straight into shock mode .
He was talking but nothing went in all I remember was PSA 9 Gleason 4x3=7 moderately
aggressive that is all I remember,walked out his office in a daze sat in my car I had this
strange feeling never had it before didn't know what it was then realised it was fear I was
scared so scared I'm going to die and there is nothing I can do about
But thing only got worse went to my local GP to talk about
he then told me they had also
found I had tumour in my bladder OMG,well had bladder tumour removed first then a month
later the RP.And that is the only treatment I have had no radiation no meds and here I am 5
years later 0.05.
So guys don't give up there is hope I found the first 12 months the worst I could think of nothing
else but cancer day and night every ache or pain thought it was cancer related.
But slowly it started to go away from my every thought life returned to more like normal it was still
in my thoughts still is but not obsessively.
Life will never bet the same I have ED problems get very anxious every 6 months when it is PSA time.
Thank you to Healing Well the staff volunteers and to all you fantastic members would have been lost
without you god bless you all.
tony w.