Tall Allen said...
... I'm obsessed about it. I thought I'd take a poll to see how crazy I am. So in deciding which primary treatment you wanted, after oncological control, how important was maintaining erectile function?
- Allen
The italics in the above are Allens. He could have been clearer, I guess. But, if you think about
it, none of the treatments are
good for erectile function and if ED was the primary concern, and cancer control was secondary, then
nobody would
ever get treated.
I know I went into surgery willingly but sick with worry about
my sex life.
Most of my research before my surgery was into rehabilitation and treatment for post-surgical ED. On this forum we often say "Dead men don't have sex." That's true enough but I tend to look at it the other way around: What sort of men can't have sex?
Dead ones. I went into surgery with a multi-level contingency plan to claw my way back to life. I am still working that plan. I remain hopeful.