Carrying this over here from Gregs "Newly Diagnosed, so as not to hijack his thread......
sheepguy said...
You could , like me , have a competent pathologist even though not a "PC only pathologist" whom your uro trusts based on hundreds of PC cases over 25 years. Other than that, who do you trust if it is downgraded? That is what it takes away from a second opinion ,Pratoman,the second opinion may itself underestimate the final pathology and be trusted implicitly because it came from "epstein" or "bostwick".
Sheepguy, I don't take that as the implication at all.
As far as incompetent MDs, the exist.
The initial pathologist in my case called GLeason grade 5 based on existence of "xxx necrosis" (don't recall what xxx was)
Epstein countered , stating ""xxx necrosis is not indicative of GLeason grade 5 in a well formed gland"
He effectively said that the very premise the original pathologist was using, was invalid, and he confirmed this to me in a phone call.
His diagnosis was then confirmed by MSKCC Pathology.
My surgeons said that if Epstein says its g6, its G6
So I don't think he underestimated the grade, I think there was g7 that was missed on biopsy.
But the point is, there are incompetent pathologists. We have no way of knowing whether the local pathologist our Uro uses is competent, experienced, or looks only at Genuitory slides. So why wouldn't one get a second opinion. Why not know exactly what we are dealing with?
it doesn't cost a ton, and more knowledge is better.