One other tip as you look at the plans available under the ACA in your state. You and your wife are not required to buy insurance jointly. You should price plans for both of you together and for each of you as individuals. Depending on your health care situations, you may not need each need the same level of coverage right now. Also, for some strange actuarial reason, a two person adult plan costs more than 2 single plans. For example, a single plan at my workplace costs $569/month (that is actual premium, not employee cost). A two person plan costs $1,533/month. That is a difference of $407/month. In the workplace, you have to insure as a two person family, but in the marketplace you do not. I am not saying you will find the same thing in the marketplace, but I advise all employees who are looking at COBRA in a situation such as this, to look at all configurations. My husband and I are retiring in December at age 63 1/2 and will be needing to make these same decisions at that point as we transition for 18 months to Medicare. Although I am a novice at this prostate cancer business, my husband was diagnosed a year ago this month and operated on in August, I have been a VP of Human Resources for over 30 years and have considerable understanding of health insurance benefits!
Good luck. Read the small print - the devil is truly in the details for all of these plans, either through your employer or in the marketplace.