Bob , I agree with dkob. Also as others suggested for you to go to an experienced Oncologist. You are keeping up a good battle so far, congrats. I have mets, been castrate resistant, stage 4 Gl 7 been told treatment
now is merely "palative". I appreciate the term and it's implications, but see it as term of endearment. There are no long term "stats" (which I refuse to be identified as one) on drugs such as Zytiga yet, so in effect we are writing a new future. I might have my life shortened but belief in lasting for many many years through education, wise choisces and most of all for me, Faith. So keep the faith and take the advice of the learned Tall Allen . He is an amazing resource and mentor for us all, so much information through his posts. Also I dont do "best of luck", but keep the faith.
Dan in So Cal