With a T2c staging and a gleason 7 (4+3),
Age 55 no other health issues.
These are based on U.S. rates and companies.
Most likely you would receive a "standard" rate plus and additional expense called a flat extra...flat extras would typically add $600 - $750 per every $100,000 of coverage...they last 3-5 years and then drop off leaving the standard rate. Based on the 4+3, yours would probably last for 5 years.
$500,000 of 10 year term for age 55 is approximately $1600 + $3000 for the flat extra = $4600 per year for the first 5 years, $1600 per year for the last 5 years.
How Do I Know This about Prostate Cancer?I specialize in high risk life insurance underwriting helping prostate cancer survivors.
Hope this helps.
(contact information removed - do not post personal contact information in
open posts, and do not advertise - 142)
Post Edited By Moderator (142) : 9/17/2015 2:18:17 PM (GMT-6)