Posted 2/4/2016 1:34 AM (GMT 0)
Hello Break60,
Great topic --- plenty of us on ADT shots --- with that common concern about weight gain --- what to do, right? Ahh ... the dreaded weight gain ...
Ironically, the other night, I just saw a television commercial for a men's compression undershirt that would make all of us appear slimmer, if we want to believe the commercial --- maybe we could all get a group discount ?!!
Break60 --- In your post, you mentioned a lot of exercise ... any diet changes along with that, I wonder? Both aspects work together ... and being on ADT, it can be an uphill battle keeping the pounds off ... I'm over six feet tall and weigh about 200 pounds ... long limbs, fairly lanky ... used to run track and hurdles, way back in the day when I was a teenager --- I like to stay on the slimmer side of things --- but it's easy to pack on a few pounds, when I start slacking off ... or when I get to my hometown for Christmas and Mom has the kitchen filled with dozens of my favorite Scandinavian Christmas cookies ...
That being said, I'm digging into my third year on ADT shots ... continuous regimen of shots ...
A few things I've learned, just from my own experiences ... might be something here that will help others ... sometimes just one SMALL idea can make a significant difference or spark a new idea of your own that will work for you !
First thing I have done is drop ALL the soda pop from my life ... didn't drink much pop, anyway, so that was easy for me --- it's all ice water and cold tea for me now --- ZERO calories. Even things like juice and lemonade can add the calories ... nothing better for us than water, anyway ... right ?!!
After I got diagnosed, I decided to stay away from the candy and the junk food ... I stay away from the vending machines at work and the doughnuts in the staff workroom --- once you get started, it gets easier ...
At work, I now keep some better snacks sitting around now at my workplace, rather than visiting the vending machine and burning up all my quarters ... so, I've got bananas, raisins, raw almonds, apples, granola bars ... choose whatever suits your fancy ... it's better for me than a SNICKERS candy bar, anyway ...
I don't deprive myself when it comes to food, and I like to go out socially --- and you bet I still order dessert when I go out to a restaurant --- haven't met a dessert yet that I didn't like --- I'm human --- but, I will say I have focused a LOT more on fruits and vegetables and grains in my diet, day to day --- that seems to help --- and once I got started, I think I felt better for it, anyway ---
The other thing is consistency ... I go for a long walk almost every night and I think that helps me keep myself in better shape. I live in the Midwest ... cold winters, plenty of ice and snow --- and with ADT shots, we have to watch out so that we don't fall and break a limb --- I'm on PROLIA shots to strengthen my bones now, as ordered by my oncologist --- a good friend of mine on ADT fell and broke a bone a few months ago and it took MANY weeks for it to heal, due to the weakened state of his bones from ADT shots --- lesson learned !
So, my very first winter after being diagnosed, I let cold winter weather inhibit my exercise routine --- spring came and I needed to take off some pounds and got back to my nightly long walks. Now when winter comes, I bring a gym bag to work, change into track clothes after work, and do some walking --- indoor locations, if it is cold and icy outside. I've also got a pack of gym passes that I use for the local fitness gym, just as a break during the winter season. No more excuses when winter comes now for me, because I formed a plan !
So the past couple of winters, with a "winter exercise plan" --- I've stayed on track with my exercise routine and found a way to overcome the winter weather months. A friend of mine came forward and asked if she could join me each night on my walks --- having a friend join me has also made me more dedicated to walking each night --- so there's another idea to consider. There's no doubt that some form of consistent exercise also boosts energy for those of us on ADT shots --- whatever form that takes --- bicycle, exercise equipment, treadmill, work-out gym, hiking trail, and even a walk around the neighborhood.
Here's a TRUE testimonial from a fellow battle brother and good friend of mine here --- he is also on continuous ADT shots, just as I am --- he decided to finally get DEDICATED to a fitness regimen --- he has consistently walked three to five miles every day and has lost 15 pounds in the past few months --- he's VERY dedicated to his walking regimen --- he walks some of the distance early in the morning, and then walks again later in the day or evening. So --- there's some inspiration for me to share with everyone --- it's working for him and he also feels that it boosts his energy level and gives him a positive outlook, as well.
So, there we go --- adding a lot more fruits and vegetables and grains, but still enjoying plenty of my favorite foods along the way --- drinking water and cold tea, zero calorie intake there --- dropping the soda pop, candy, and junk food --- a consistent exercise plan that I enjoy, including during the holidays, weekends, and winter months --- a friend who joins me in my walks, who adds her motivation to mine --- all these things added together seem to keep me on track --- if all else fails, I guess I'll have to consider buying those compression undershirts for men that I saw advertised on the commmercial ?!!
I think this is a helpful thread that you have started, Break60 --- with so many of us readers on ADT shots !
Keeping in touch,
"Cyclone" From Iowa State