Fly with me –
Easy Ace's question was the first that came to me. If you are already in the VA system, is there a reason why you want to continue with medical care outside the system?
But assuming there is, then you may want to consult the VA publication "Veterans Health Benefits Handbook." It is at: there, you will need to click on the link "View Sample Handbook" to get to it).
The terminology the VA uses for your situation is "Coordination of Care with Providers Outside the VA Network (Co-Managed Dual Care)."
From the handbook:
":… if you need or choose to receive treatment from private doctors, we will work with them to meet your health care needs and coordinate effective treatment."
"… your VA and private doctors will work together to provide safe, appropriate and ethical medical care."The handbook also goes into detail on coordinating prescript
So what the nurse told you sounds right, and is backed up by the Handbook, but you will need to coordinate care between your VA and civilian doctors.
Manfred has also given some very good advice. Contact a Veterans Service Officer at a nearby VA hospital. He or she will know the latest updates in practice/policy and can best advise you on how to proceed.