RangerTug said...
Hi Canuck77
I have been getting my Lupron (Zoladex) every 3 months since July 2010.
My doctor injects me with a small amount of anesethetic first, he gives me the injection in my stomach about 75mm from my navel. The Zoladex injection, whilst it is a huge needle I don't feel a thing and don't have any pain etc after. The only thing is I generally have a 25mm diameter bruise for 3-4 days after the jab. It is really no big deal getting the injection or after. The seed is about the size of a grain of rice.
I have a bit of muscle (fat !) in my stomach to help act as padding.
The side effects however, are very debilitating. I suffered the following, Hot flushes (flashes), erectile dysfunction, fatigue, weight gain (or inability to loose weight) decreased sexual desire, mood swings, very emotional and weepy, loss of muscle strength, short term memory loss, increased blood pressure, change in body hair (I have far less hair on my arms, legs and body trunk but I have regrown hair on the top of my head !), depression, some development of breasts. Concentration is also a problem, insomnia. Most of these SE became evident over the first 12 months or so, progressively I became accustomed to some.
I still suffer from ED, hot flushes, fatigue, decreased sexual desire, short term memory loss, I am still moody and emotional, concentration is still a problem.
My blood pressure took about 12 months to get under control and was good for a couple of year but is now on the rise again so looks like I will be having some close monitoring by my doctor to get it back under control. My cholesterol is also on the increase again, this will also mean tweeking my medication.
Good luck.
Thank you for being so informative. I am 21 years old and was taking Lupron from 13-15 to delay my puberty. Simultaneously I was taking HGH for height growth (until about
17). I am currently experience ED. I can not get a full hard erection. I am confused, depressed and lost with words. I do not know what to do at this point. I have just taken a few tests and am waiting for a result. Do you have any knowledge on this being a permanent effect and if there are any ways to fix it? Thank you in advance!!!!!