Having Gleason 9 and confirmed N1 at diagnosis, I figure that I should jump on anything that might assist in my battle. I haven't eaten anything but fruits, vegetables, eggs, a minimal amount of organic chicken, or cold water fish since August 2016. I was a big eater of all things meat and sugar and people now ask me how hard it was to give it all up. The answer is that it wasn't hard in the slightest. Nothing to do with me having will power, all having to do with being told I have a cancer that could kill me. Will my drastic change in diet help? I have no idea, but once again, I figure anything to hedge my prognosis is worth a try. Once my initial treatments are completed and I (hopefully) see remission, I will likely lighten up a bit on the diet but, really, I've lost 35 pounds and feel better than I have for years despite ADT.
I was happy to find and get involved in program at the Cleveland Clinic focusing on diet and supplement usage for people who have prostate cancer. It is run by an MD Anderson trained MD. In addition to the MD (Dr. Levy), I work with a dietician in his office. The interesting thing here is that the CC is actually following us in the program to look at how the program effects our dna and cells. The descript
ion of the program and the basis for it can be seen here:
/consultqd.clevelandclinic.org/2016/11/manipulating-diet-may-impact-prostate-cancer-risk-progression/After all of my reading since being diagnosed, I wasn't really surprised by the recommendations for diet and supplements. However, one big shock was eggs. I was under the impression that eggs (especially yolks) were like lighter fluid for PCa. Dr. Levy disagrees and says that eggs in moderation (up to two a week) are nothing to worry about
. I'm not ready yet to eat two eggs a week but at least if I have two a month now I'm not worrying about