Tall Allen,
Thanks for the study link. Always interesting.
TA said...
I saw this clinical trial of ADT+SBRT and thought of you
That study has not started yet. It is at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center for intermediate risk prostate cancer.
Last Monday I saw an oncologist Dr. Susan Slovin at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center for yet another opinion but had not posted anything about
that consultation. She was highly recommended by someone we know.
She did not mention that clinical trial to me. Maybe because I have a Gleason 4 +5.
She recommended some things that sounded reasonable, but also some other things that did not sound reasonable.
Her basic recommendation was ADT 2 months, IMRT followed by ADT for 12 - 15 months. She said that conventional recommendations were for 2 years of ADT after radiation. But, that recent results suggested that 1 year was OK.
One thing she said that was important to me was that she recommended ADT in addition to radiation because "you really have only one shot at a cure". Not an exact quote. But that makes a lot sense.
i showed her a print out of the 2014 Katz + Kang paper. Based on a 20 second glance she rejected it out of hand because it had only about
97 subjects and because the biological free results were only about
60% which she said was low. I suspect she did not notice that it was high risk only. She also spent only about
20 seconds reading before coming to a conclusion. Not cool.
All the larger studies I have seen included a mix of low, intermediate and high risk patients and did not really distinguish them in the analysis. Not really relevant to me.
She was also against CyberKnife because she had personally seen 5 patients for whom CyberKnife did not work. Of course she never saw the patients who had success with CyberKnife since they would have no need to see her. 5 is not a good sample size.
She also said she was attending the Orlando conference, had seen the agenda and that Alan Katz was not on the agenda. Sort of true. But she was not right either since Katz & Kang gave a poster presentation at the conference.