This is one instance of benefit from my abused childhood. I had to do a lot of work to survive and then even more to be OK. While I cannot tell you what to do, I can tell you what I do towards maintaining emotional stability as best possible.
I use an
"intellectual coping strategy" for starters.
In the case of PCa, that means that I have learned a crap-ton about
it now (from books and the Internet) so I have become very familiar with the enemy. I hang out here, pay attention and participate.That gives me a feeling of control which helps even if it is an illusion.
Then, I
exercise hard every morning for 2 -3 hours beginning with a 7 mile run with my American Field Yellow Labrador retriever, Sandra Joy. She just had her third mast cell sarcoma cancer surgery last Friday, today she has a new zipper on her side and has taken her meds so she is ready to go, as am I. We will do our regular run this AM and play hard as well. I
stay "in the moment" and do not think of other things then. This increases 'feel good' chemicals in my blood stream and lifts my mood significantly.
Mindfulness meditation as described on page 1 of Healing Well is very helpful, I practice that every day as part of my life philosophy. I
try very hard to "be here, now", remember that the decisions I made yesterday cannot be remade today as I made the best decision at the time that I could with the information I had at hand then.
No second guessing past decisions, regret is a waste of time and energy. Also, since much of what we fear will happen does not, I try not to focus on the progression, the tests or the treatments that may come to me in the future. I take care of challenges as they come up rather than imagining up front how bad they might be if/when they get here.
I eat right, get plenty of rest and do my job. I focus on what I have, NOT what I do not have.All of that pretty much keeps me on an even emotional keel. That is
very important as depression and anxiety are the top 2 dangerous side effects of having cancer and getting treatment for it. It is very hard to Heal Well if you are feeling overwhelmed by depression and/or anxiety.