Tall Allen said...
You may have noticed a post recently by a patient of Howard Scher's (certainly one of the best MOs anywhere), where he was taking only 1 or 2 50mg Casodex a week. This was enough to bring his PSA down to undetectable levels, yet keeps his serum testosterone high enough that he feels good - a win-win. He also takes tamoxifen to prevent breast enlargement.
There are lots of ways to do ADT and I hope you have a good MO who is willing to discuss all those options with you.
I've been following all comments in this thread with great interest and thank all for your thoughts. Like some others here I'm on the brink of needing to decide when and in what form to agree to ADT, though I am also hoping to hold out for a while in hopes that the prostvac trial at NIH shows promise and
opens up for a next round. But should that long-shot not come my way I need to make decisions about
ADT: should I start early or later (I've read TOAD, but am not yet convinced about
early rather than later) and is Casodex monotherapy an option. Allen's comment I quoted above and a presentation by Dr. Mohler of Roswell Park that was linked above by George both suggest that Casodex monotherapy may not be a bad way to go, even though it is uncommon in the U.S. I'm questioning whether Lupron or similar agonists are really sufficiently better than anti-androgens like Casodex to make them worth the trade-off in QOL.
The particulars of my dilemma comes down to a choice between two doctors. The RO I've been with for 7 years is an outlier in the U.S. in that he favors Codex monotherapy after failed SRT rather than -- or at least as a way of postponing -- Lupron. He did his best to restrain a grimace when I told him I've now also seen an MO at Dana Farber. His opinion is that barring participating in some new and interesting trial, they will steer me toward standard Lupron or equivalent. He - the RO -- on the other hand tells me he has really good results with Casodex 50mg with less onerous side effects than Lupron and some patients have done well on it for 3 or so years and in at least one case 8 years. That sounds good to me. My main reservation is that he is a practicing RO, whereas my MO is -- well an MO -- and is also at a leading cancer center.
My RO's opinion and Dr. Mohler's comments (if I understood them correctly) in his presentation to the effect that anti-androgens like Casodex have essentially the same results as agonists such as Lupron. Though in his presentation he wasn't recommending one over the other, only saying they had similar results. I am again questioning why I would consider Lupron rather than first Casodex monotherapy. I will discuss this with my MO, and am for now also maintaining ties with my RO to keep options
open. Any thoughts about
this would be welcome.