Mr B - MY PERSONAL OPINION - read Walsh's book. Yes it's 5 years old, and yes it's written by a surgeon. But it's the best primer I've seen, in the most easy to understand language. And a fast read. Just pick your spots. Don't bother reading any of his comments on radiation, for example.
Also, read the thread recommended by dogdays, it's a good thread with info you should know. Here's a clickable link..., as far as emotions all over the place, you are doing great. When I was in your position, my emotions weren't all over the place. All I thought was "I'm done, finished, my life as I know it is over". Couldn't be farther from the truth.
Mr Basebll, I'm a Mets fan, poor me. So it pains me to say this. But think like a Yankee. There's only one thing. Winning. Seriously, sucks to be you, diagnosed at all, let alone so young. But you will win. You are in the process now. You're arming yourself with more information than 90% of guys who are diagnosed. You have the best support system and knowledge base right here.
And your not a G8, 9 or 10.
Read Todd1963's recent post. Diagnosed 11 years ago with a PSA of 3200, pretty much your age at the time. today he got an UNdetectable PSA result, and he's living large.
Hang in there. The emotions, he especially the fear, you are dealing with now, are totally normal and expected (whateverTF "normal" means). They will subside. Give yourself time.
Hang in there, good luck.