three 5's and a jack said...
Considering that Karma is a major part of my Spirituality, the way I deal with this situation is more important than the PC or even the outcome. I don't believe in accidents so therefore I must believe that in "ALL" things there is a reason. In my humble opinion, by dealing with a situation well allows for the release of that situation and therefore ensures one will never have to deal with that type of thing again.
I try to remember that in all matters, though I am not a deeply religious person. It just makes sense, though the truth behind the curtain is often not recognized until it is in hindsight.
And then I wonder then why it seems the same thing seems to keep happening to me, and what should I be doing differently? I often find myself the victim of a medical system that is expert at bringing people back from the verge of death, but incapable or unwilling to recognize early signs of conditions that could have been easily dealt with when first presented. This is not my first experience with symptoms that go untreated for years until I finally bump into a doctor who has seen this one before.
I know that I am supposed to be learning something from this but can't seem to figure out just what that is.
Be well Roger. Thanks for the insight.