The references that you gave look like my login password.
Couldn't recover those docs but found what I was looking for.
/www.google.com/patents/WO2003020305A1?cl=enApproach is very interesting. However, I would be concerned with
the following:
"... Animal studies have demonstrated that severe, prolonged methyl deficiency
induced by dietary restriction of methionine, choline, homocysteine, and
folate leads to global demethylation of normal liver DNA and resultant
increased susceptibility to DNA strand breaks (Pogribny et al, 1995).
Inhibition of DNA methylation by methionine restriction may therefore
make cancer cell DNA susceptible to damage. [0011] Methionine is also
required for synthesis of polyamines, which have far- ranging effects on
nuclear structure and cell division . . . "
I feel like we are using a loaded gun, hoping to do more damage to the
cancer cells, than the healthy cells. May be worth discussing with your