Incontinence is terrible. BUT, it can be fixed! A sling (AdVance), an AUS, injections, justifiable sling, etc... IT. Can. Be. Fixed!
I was incontinent for about
a year. I'm a data kind of guy so I weighted every pad and plotted my leakage in Excel - using a 2nd order polynomial and a logarithmic function to predict my dry date. When that predicted date moved to infinity I took my data and plots to a surgeon and started the ball rolling on getting fixed. The data helped decide which way was best for me.
DH is only 5 months out. Start taking data. so you are ready to get it done.
Remember... No matter how terrible it is now --- It can be fixed!
These might be useful for him - and you.
Worried Guy's Incontinence JourneyWorried Guy's Continence Journey Jeff