Pratoman said...
Winglets, I'm gonna give it to you straight. Call it tough love.
You probably already hold the record for most new threads started that ask the same 2 or 3 questions in different ways. I understand your fear. Because I think I held the record before you c,e along.
I'm guessing, but it's an educated guess, that 90% of us diagnosed here with prostate cancer, had ZERO symptoms/
If it really bothers you, get a dam PSA test done, just for closure. If you keep getting yourself freaked out enough to avoid a PSA, then you'll possibly find yourself in a lot of hot water with advanced PSA . But when you are older. You are 34 years old for Gods sake. The odds of you having PC aren't zero. But they are probably about 1 in 5000. Or more.
Please get help. From a psychologist. You are wasting the best years of your life.
I'm not a doctor, so I could be wrong. But I'd guess that most of your "nighttime symptoms are in your head. Or so minor, that only someone with super ultra hyper-awareness of their body, bordering on OCD, would notice.
Get some help. Please. For your own sake. This is the advice I'd give my son.
what you're dealing with winglets is called anxiety.....that manifests itself through physical symptoms (real or imagined)
I've been where you are. I understand how this can take over a man's life.....*completely*.
Go to your primary care doc....and get a PSA test. Nothing.....*nothing*....anyone has to say on this forum is going to make this better for you.
There's something else that this is called winglets......It's called a "phase". We both know that this isn't your first "health scare". A PSA test will help you to move on though it. It'll take the load off. And you'll then be free to move on to another health crisis.
Take care. Get help friend. good luck
(one time when I was your age....I went to a throat doctor.....telling him I had throat cancer. He looked in my throat.....and said...."Nope. No cancer. You'll have to go home and find something else to worry about
sir". take it for what it's worth. good luck)