garyi said...
I’m emailing you a superb study that my iPhone isn’t letting post here.
Gary actually called me a wimp in his email. I'm appalled to learn how transparent I am.
No url for the study, but here's the cite: A Systematic Review and Framework for the Use of Hormone Therapy with SRT for Recurrent PCa. European Urology 73 (2018) 156-165.
It includes some discussion of short-term v. long-term ADH:
"In localized high-risk prostate cancer, long-term hormone therapy (2–3 yr) results in improved oncologic outcomes compared with shorter-term therapy (4–6 mo), even in the context of dose-escalated RT.
However, this is yet to be established in the SRT setting, and the Radiation Therapy and Androgen Deprivation Therapy in Treating Patients Who Have Undergone Surgery for Prostate Cancer (RADICALS NCT00541047) trial seeks to investigate the importance of duration of hormone therapy on oncologic outcomes, in addition to assessing the impact on short- and long-term toxicity."